Like for instance: say you arrive in a location that you’ve never really been to, and you’re supposed to get your senior photos taken there. And let’s say you’re part of your marching band’s drumline, and in fact you’ve brought your special drumline jacket to wear for those senior photos because it’s that special to you. And then let’s say that in that location that you don’t really know, where you will be wearing your special drumline jacket, there is a giant quotation spray painted on the wall that says The heart of America beats here. Um… what!?
We seriously could not have planned it better. When Joe arrived at 2nd Street Market for his photo session and saw this particular piece of graffiti looming overhead, he zeroed in on it immediately as a perfect photo opportunity. I am SO glad he saw it and brought it to my attention – I have probably walked or driven past that wall a dozen times and never noticed the quotation.
But these are Joe’s photos – they should feel like him. And because he started our session by speaking up and telling me who he is, they are! Instead of being a passive, eye-rolling, I’m-doing-this-for-my-mom senior, he spoke up and shared himself. He brought his ideas, his willingness to play along and play around, and most importantly he brought that gorgeous smile! Clearly, I’m so glad he did!
One thought on “He Brought It”
Love these photos and this young man (your comments and insight further enhanced them and made them that much more meaningful)!