Fall Fun

I absolutely adore this little family – they are so full of joy, and refused to take our session too seriously (which makes it all the more fun to shoot)! You would never know from looking at these photos that the littlest cutie was not feeling her best. No kidding! […]

Frame Worthy

What happens when you buy a perfect new picture frame, it looks perfect in your living room, but you don’t have a perfect picture to put in it? Duh… get one taken! It was a small scale, highly focused shoot with a very specific goal, but in the end, we […]

The Football Star

Being that I know little to nothing about football, I was a bit intimidated to take this senior’s portraits on the football field. I believe when we met my first question was, “So you’re like an important player on the team, eh?” — yeah, he probably thought I was pretty […]

Just Because

It really says something about your relationship when you want to get professional portraits taken of you and your spouse… just because. Just because! What a treat. These two are so beautiful together. I love the way they look at each other and sort of click into each other so […]

A Beautiful Day

It’s really a gamble to take family portraits outside once you get to mid-November. Will it be freezing? Will there be snow on the ground… or just wetness everywhere? Or WORSE: will it just be an ugly, grey day. Don’t get me wrong! I love grey skies. But for a […]

Fun in the Leaves

It’s a huge bonus when a family brings their own creativity and ideas into a shoot! This fun-loving gang wanted to show off their inner sports rivalry, as Dad is the only Browns fan amongst a sea of Bengals. Of course I was game! (he he… game… get it?!) I also […]

Linguist, Historian, Model

It was really hard to choose favorites from Casey’s senior portrait session. Between his confidence, effortless charm on camera, and the rich autumn colors around us… it was a perfect shoot! Ok yes I’m sure he’ll do great studying linguistics and history, but if all else fails don’t you think […]