Sunny at a Distance

This was my first photoshoot wearing a mask and keeping a 6′ distance from my subject. It was weird! Usually if I see a hair out of place or a shirt bunching up weird, I just fix it and keep going. But not this time! I was determined to maintain […]

He Brought It

There are some things that come together so perfectly you’d think they must be planned… Like for instance: say you arrive in a location that you’ve never really been to, and you’re supposed to get your senior photos taken there. And let’s say you’re part of your marching band’s drumline, and […]

Cute, Party of 4

Just when I thought this beautiful family couldn’t be any more fun, they added another little cutie to their gang! You can see pure and overflowing love in every single picture. Just effortless joy! Makes my job pretty easy actually. I seriously look forward to working them every single year, […]